Difficulties and Solutions For Swimming Pool Management

Swimming Pool Management


Holiday Rental

The swimming pool and sun terrace form the basis of the holiday rental experience.

A great pool and terrace will attract – satisfy – and generate a positive experience…

Which, in turn, will enable repeat sales and increase profit.

Conversely a poor pool and terrace will do the opposite.

In this article we delve into the difficulties experienced by holiday rental agents and owners and demonstrate the solutions.

Water Quality – Solutions at a Glance

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Personal Swimmer Problems – Solutions at a Glance

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Owner Issues – Solutions at a Glance

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The first principle in swimming pool operation is:

Constant Circulation and Filtration

As long as the pool water is, for 100% of the day, being filtered it means the environmental and human impact is being dealt with.

Constant Planned Professional Disinfectant

A swimming pool must have a disinfectant strategy.
Outdoor residential pools need stabiliser to protect chlorine from the sun.
But only so much stabiliser is required.

The only science based professional strategy is to add chlorine disinfectant constantly into water with a known value of stabiliser.
Applying and staying with this principle will prevent problems occurring and deliver quality comfortable water.

Operating Cost

Using modern technology with a throughout strategy will deliver the lowest possible cost.

Using out dated single speed pumps with cheap supermarket chlorine tablets will deliver poor quality, unpleasant water and lots of operational problems. It happens every year and as the summers get hotter the problems will just get worse.

Solution Package

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Written by simon@techpools.es

Contact Us

For more information about how we can help you have the perfect swimming pool, please contact us using the details below:-

Simon Spragg
Web: www.techpools.es

Tel: +34 659 999 044
Email: simon@techpools.es