The Most Economical Way To Heat Your House

The Most Economical Way To Heat Your House

The Most Economical Way To Heat Your House

 A 1kw air conditioning system produces nearly 4kw of heating output from the same unit, making it very economical way to heat your house.   That’s 3x more heat output than a 1kw electric heater!

Here are 4 reasons to use an A/C unit for heating

  1. SAFETY:  Air conditioners don’t produce ash or asbestos dust and they are highly unlikely to cause an electrical fire and ZERO chance of carbon monoxide leaks!
  2. SPACE: Split-system air conditioners are relatively compact.  This can make them the ideal HVAC solution for small homes that don’t have enough space for bulky combi boilers/radiators.
  3. CONVENIENCE:  An A/C starts heating the moment you switch it on.  There is no need to wait for the boiler to warm up or for energy to be accumulated overnight.
  4. COST:  Air conditioners are the most affordable way of heating when compared to other electrical heating devices and devices that use fuels such as wood, coal, gas or oil. Bedroom units can cost as little as €0.10/hr


You don’t need your unit set at more than 22º to keep your house nice and warm.  For every 1º higher, it can cost up to 10% more.

Contact Us

For more information or help with your heating and cooling needs,  contact:-

K&M Air Con
Tel: +34 965 874 838
Mob: +34 636 119 648
WhatsApp: +34 605 828 688