Visit to the “ANZO” Foundation

Fundación Anzo, officially called Fundación Anzo de la Comunidad Valenciana (Anzo Foundation of the Valencian Community) was established in 2013. It is a non-profit organization focusing on a dissemination, study, fomenting, conservation and development of José Iranzo Almonacid “Anzo’s” work and art in general. Other goals include development of critical thinking about the society as well as encouraging the responsible use of new technologies. The foundation is gathering a large part of Anzo’s paintings created during his most important phases: from 1965 to the 1990’s. Most of them come from the family collection.

In 2013 Anzo’s daughter Amparo Iranzo together with her husband Germán Bordils decided to take care of the Anzo’s work in an official way. They created the Fundación Anzo with a support from the rest of the family.

CBBA members visited the foundation on Saturday the 30th of January 2016, guided by Mrs. Amparo Anzo –