The Real Cost & Value of a Garden

If I told you that some work in your garden was going to cost ten thousand euros. You may think, wow that’s a lot. But if you were told the same thing about your house, you may be accepting of the price. Even if the amount of work and materials required is far greater in the garden.

Garden Versus Home?

I understand that certain work within the garden versus the home may not have the same return value if you are selling a property, but it can still have a tipping point for building work or garden work in either direction. For example, spending too much on a bathroom tile or fixtures can push budgets through the roof, so there is always sensible limits to set on what is or isn’t required when creating a design and budget.

Again this is a subject that is subjective depending on if you are renovating property to sell, or whether it is your home. As a garden that looks neat to sell a house, versus a garden that is amazing for you and your family to live in are two totally different requirements.

I have built gardens where I would be more than sure that the customer could not see the value of work we did in the garden back to them if they sold the property, but at the same time those gardens add a massive amount of value to the property that sometimes cant be calculated in money in the bank.

Our Gardens Will Help Add Value To Your Property

For example you have a big plot, a lovely house with views and then no garden, just weeds, or say you spend the minimum and have it gravelled and some trees, the vast majority of people coming to view the house would look at it and instantly say, the garden is horrible and it would cost too much to do something to it. Whereas I can guarantee with my customers, that the garden will add value to the property, even if its not as much as they spent. Because I know if a property was up for sale with one of my gardens they would have more offers because the garden adds a value that can´t truly be given a value. It guarantees them the sale and a quick one, unlike so many properties that sit on the shelf, just waiting, with no love or attention. We all know those properties that need a lot of TLC, and the simple fact is, if you were making an offer on a property without a nice garden you would be wanting to smash the vendors price down to compensate you.

The Garden is a Massive Part of the Home

Unfortunately for me a lot of the time clients don’t understand or appreciate the amount of materials and work that has to go into building a garden. It easy to think that a house has more value than the garden but in truth the garden is a massive part of the home, and that is the big word, HOME.

Your Garden is an absolutely intrinsic part of your home, the architecture of your home and the wider landscape that it all sits in. Don’t short change the garden thinking it wont matter, it will and in the end it may matter more than you could even imagine.

Charlesworth Gardens Specialise in Creating Gardens

Go out and enjoy your garden, you don’t need to be a garden person or pay a fortune in monthly maintenance costs if a garden is designed and made for you, Charlesworth Gardens specialise in creating gardens, through the design process and working with the customer to the end product. Gardens don’t just have to be big or elaborate to work and look amazing and that is what our design service creates for our customers giving them gardens that stand the test of time and look great for years to come making your house a home.

For more information please give us a call on 696 283 704, email or visit

Article written by:

Lee Charlesworth
Charlesworth Gardens, Artificial Grass Spain

0034 696283704