How to Prevent an Expensive Car Repair – Timing Belts

Timing Belts

As one of the most important serviceable items on your car, you should ensure that you know when or what mileage you Timing belt should be replaced.

All cars/vans have different replacement schedules.

What it does

The timing belt keeps the camshaft and the crankshaft turning at the correct rate. Depending on the make of the vehicle, a timing belt also controls the water pump, oil pump and the injection pump.

When should I change my belt?

Belt replacement varies from model to model, some from 48,000km or 4 years, others not till 100,000km or 10 years.  You should also consider changing the water pump at the same time.

What happens if my Belt breaks?

The overall impact depends on the Engine. On most common engines the pistons will move upwards as normal but the valves may not be fully out of the way, causing the pistons and the valves to connect with each other causing damage, in the worst case, valves and rods can push through the engine cover causing extreme engine damage.

How much does it cost?

Again, it varies car to car and if indeed the water pump needs to be changed along with the belt. Along with the Timing belt the tensioner and guide pulley will be changed as due course.

On average you are probably looking at around the 300 Euro mark, a lot cheaper than the damage caused by not changing the belt on time.

If you are unsure of the interval for your specific car, call into see us, we would be happy to advise on the right action to take for your vehicle.

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