Have you been affected by Bankia shares? If so, now is the time to claim. 100% of cases won.
We at White Baos Lawyers are proud to be able to say that up to now, we have won 100% of our claims on behalf of our clients against Bankia, for their IPO and shares sale in 2011.
It is very gratifying to see that the Spanish courts understand that in the IPO of Bankia, the information provided by this entity to potential investors, presenting themselves as a solvent bank with significant profits and good future expectations, did not correspond with the reality of BFA-Bankia. This inaccurate information led clients to buy shares of Bankia by mistake, had they known the reality of Bankia’s situation, they would never have invested.
Here at White Baos, in line with our commitment to defending the rights of consumers, and especially the rights and interests of the expatriate community in Spain, we want to help those affected to claim against Bankia, with the lowest possible risk and cost, and the greatest guarantee of success.
We want to help:
.- Small investors (less than 2000 €)¸ to claim without charge against Bankia. As noted last week, by law in claims for less than 2,000 €, it is not mandatory to use a Lawyer or procurator, therefore, we would claim in your name, and only charge our fees if you win . If you lose, you would still not have any costs, since you would not have to pay Bankia nor our fees. It is a claim without risk therefore.
.-Remaining investors (from 2001 € to 250,000 €), we would only charge fees if you win the procedure, and these fees would be recovered from Bankia. Therefore, if you win, you will recover the money invested, plus interest, and Bankia must pay your lawyers and solicitors. If you lose (which is possible, but it has not happened to us), you will not have to pay us, but you may be asked to pay the costs of the lawyers of Bankia.
Therefore, all investors in shares of Bankia, should know:
.-That there is still time to claim.
.-That according to official statistics the vast majority of claims have been ruled in favor of consumers.
.-That if you invested € 2,000 or less, you can claim without any risk, even if you lose, it will not cost you anything.
-.That if you invested more than € 2,000, White Baos offers reclaim facilities, and we will not charge you unless you win.
.-We have won 100% of our claims against Bankia.
Therefore, if you invested in shares of Bankia, which now have virtually no value, we can help you get your money back plus interest, so contact us
The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.
Carlos Baos (Lawyer)