CBBA Members visit the EMAUS complex at Relleu
Several members of the Costa Blanca Business Association (CBBA) visited the EMAUS complex at Relleu on Sunday 8th November. During the visit it was good to see how the 30 recently purchased laying hens were starting to produce eggs that provide a valuable income for the ¨Make a Smile¨ foundation.
After helping to bring in the olive crop a visit was planned to witness how the olives were processed at the local olive press or ¨almazara ¨. Nearly 900 kilos were loaded into the machines which will produce about 180 litres of olive oil – another valuable commodity.
Back to the complex for a walk around the farm buildings and vegetable plot before sitting down to a delicious ¨paella¨.
The Make a Smile foundation has been set up to help under privileged children at the various Emaus Homes. One of the Emaus Homes is a centre for mentally handicapped youngsters in Relleu. They have quite a lot of land and equipment but no funds to buy seeds or put petrol in the tractor. Make a Smile are helping to turn this land into a working farm with the profits from the produce grown and harvested on the farm going back into the Emaus projects. Furthermore the running of the farm provides valuable work experience for the youngsters and helps make them self-sufficient.
Throughout the year eggs and vegetable boxes can be purchased and along with olive tree sponsorship, helpful volunteers and generous donations these children can have a much improved life.
For more information to to www.makeasmile.es